grey staffy lying on leaves

6 Benefits of the DoGoodDoggy Wristband

Why You Need A DoGoodDoggy Wristband

The DoGoodDoggy training program is one of Australia’s premiere dog training courses. This easy, 35-day course has helped thousands of dog owners achieve their training goals. One of its most popular features is the DoGoodDoggy wristband.

This multipurpose wristband has taken social media by storm, with many users being amazed with how it’s helped their dog during training sessions. It could be a great addition to your Staffy puppy checklist. Let’s see why DoGoodDoggy members have fallen in love with it.

  1. It keeps your dog’s treats within easy reach
  2. It holds your doggy essentials in multipurpose compartments
  3. It makes training sessions easy
  4. It’s durable, washable, and comfortable to wear
  5. It helps you give positive reinforcement consistently
  6. Buy one, get one free


It keeps your dog’s treats within easy reach

It can be a hassle trying to juggle your dog’s treats and all their other supplies when you’re out with your dog. As a responsible dog owner, you need to be prepared to clean up any messes as well as be ready to give them positive reinforcement when they behave properly. 

Carrying around your dog’s treats in your hand or your pockets just isn’t practical most of the time. The DoGoodDoggy wristband lets you carry around your dog’s treats in an easy, convenient way.


It holds your doggy essentials in multipurpose compartments

Don’t you wish you could have your hands free when you’re walking your dog? The DoGoodDoggy wristband helps make that happen, with its two compartments that can hold a surprising amount. The large compartments are big enough to hold treats and poop bags, as well as house keys and some extra cash for emergencies. 

Now you won’t have to struggle to find a place to hold everything when you’re out for your dog’s daily walks. You’ll have everything you need when you take your dog out for potty breaks, so long as you slip on the DoGoodDoggy wristband. 


It makes training sessions easy

One thing that surprises many DoGoodDoggy members is how receptive to training their dog becomes after they start using the DoGoodDoggy wristband. 

When your dog realizes that they’ll consistently get rewarded for good behaviour, they learn and pick up on training much faster. When you’re wearing the DoGoodDoggy wristband, there’s almost no delay before you can give your puppy their well-deserved treat.


It’s durable, washable, and comfortable to wear

Nobody wants to wear a wristband that’s scratchy, ill-fitting, or poorly made. That’s why the DoGoodDoggy wristband is such a hit – it’s made of premium materials and can stretch to fit most wrists. The soft fabric is comfortable but also durable. 

Some DoGoodDoggy members simply put it on and wear it throughout the whole day so that they’re ready to dispense treats for their dog at a moment’s notice.


It helps you give positive reinforcement consistently

It’s common for puppies trained using the DoGoodDoggy method to perk up right when their owner puts on the DoGoodDoggy wristband. They pick up on the fact that training time means treats!

Giving your puppy their reward as soon as they display the proper behaviour means that they become more likely to repeat those behaviours. Consistent positive reinforcement is one of the key aspects of the DoGoodDoggy training method, and one of the best ways to train your dog.


Buy one, get one free

So that as many dog owners as possible can get the DoGoodDoggy wristband, DoGoodDoggy is offering a limited buy one, get one free promotion.

This promotion may run out, so get your DoGoodDoggy wristband now. Both you and a friend can experience the benefits of the multipurpose DoGoodDoggy training wristband, while only paying for one.

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