red staffordshire bull terrier in front of dirt path

Though it doesn’t necessarily look like it, the Staffy is part of the terrier group of dog breeds. Its proper name is the Staffordshire Bull Terrier, and it’s one of the most popular breeds in Australia today. Breeders originally intended for the Staffy to be a bull-baiting and pit-fighting dog, but hundreds of years later the Staffy is widely regarded as a gentle and affectionate family dog. The Staffy has earned a reputation as a loyal and faithful companion for its humans, even being called the ‘nanny dog’ due to how well it gets along with children. 

Staffy Colours

Just like other breeds, Staffordshire Bull Terriers come in a variety of colours. The standard ones include:

  • Black
  • Fawn
  • Blue
  • Brindle
  • Red

Any of these colours may be mixed with white. This wide range of colours and hues results in a Staffy colour for almost any owner’s preference. If you are planning on buying a Staffy pup, the colour that you get will be one of the biggest considerations you’ll make. 

Red Staffies 

A Red Staffy isn’t really red as most non dog owners would think of it. It’s more of a deep reddish ginger colour, and some Red Staffies may also have white markings. In a nutshell, there are only two pigments that determine the colour of a dog’s coat – black and red. A dog’s genetics determine how much of each type of pigment will be present in a dog’s coat. Red Staffies simply have much less of the black pigment. 

How Much Does a Red Staffy Cost

Red Staffies are no more expensive than most other Staffy colours. The cost of your Staffy pup will depend more on whether you’re getting them from a registered Australian dog breeder and the quality of the parents. Since red is a standard colour for the Staffy breed, they’re relatively common. Blue Staffies have become more popular in recent years, so many breeders have started trying to breed for that specific colour. As a result, Red Staffies may be comparatively more affordable and easier to find than Blue Staffies. 

Caring For a Red Staffy 

Red Staffies require all the same things that other colours of Staffy need: adequate shelter, clean water, high-quality food and proper training and exercise. As with any dog breed, getting a Staffy is a lifetime commitment. Getting your Staffy from a responsible breeder is the first step to having a well-tempered, friendly dog. Ensuring that you’re able to fulfil all of the dog’s needs will help them thrive and allow them to be great family members. 

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