
If you are considering adopting an 8 week old Staffy, you have probably done your research and are certain that this purebred is the best fit for your family and lifestyle. But if you have yet to get to know this dog, you’ll learn a few things about it here.

Also known as the Staffordshire Bull Terrier, the Staffy originated in 19th century Britain. It was developed by crossing Bulldogs with Manchester Terriers and similar breeds for the purpose of creating a small and fast breed for dog fighting. When dog fighting became illegal in the early 20th century, the Staffy became more recognised as a companion animal. Today, this breed is a popular household pet.

While the Staffy looks tough on the outside, it is sensitive, affectionate, and loving. It is a good caretaker, earning it the nickname, “nanny dog.” It loves to spend time with its humans and does well with children when properly trained and socialised. Physically, this breed has a broad head, round eyes, prominent cheek muscles, and a muscular body. It has a smooth coat that comes in different colours, including black, white, blue, and brindle. Below are some of the cutest photos of Staffies.




How can you resist the look in this little fella’s eyes? Drop what you’re doing because you’re about to play catch with this Black Staffy. Just make sure it brings the ball back to you!





This Black Staffy is definitely ready for playtime. Where else will you see a dog on a trampoline with a stick in its mouth? Does it want to jump, or does it want to play fetch?






Now this is what you call a Black Staffy that knows how to pose for the camera. It’s definitely photoshoot-ready, with its serious gaze and rested body. One, two, three, click!






No noise please! You don’t want to wake this Black Staffy up. Just seeing it laying down on a mat with its eyes half open is enough to keep you still and silent. After all, dogs need to rest, too!






This Black Staffy may not look happy on its birthday, but it is still adorable as can be with its heart necktie on. Maybe seeing a cake will turn its frown upside down!






This photo of a Brown Staffy in a grassy field is truly captivating. What could it be looking at from afar? Could it be a bird? The mountains? Only this dog will know.





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